Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I chose this image for the "Dominance" element of composition, because it fits best for this category. The old truck is the main thing observers look at, and focus on. Although, there are many other things in the photo the truck is what observers focus on the most because it leads them right to the object.

I have recently been experimenting with this element of composition in my most recent work, I've learned because a centrally located object will draw more attention to the photo. If possible the center sometimes may not be the best place to position the most dominant element though, usually it is better to have the "eye catcher" off to the side. It makes the image more exiting.
Original photo taken by myself.

I feel this picture is dominant because the subject is singled out, there is nothing else in the background except open water so viewers really have the opportunity to focus on the subject.
Even though the subject is in the middle of the photo it is okay because there isn't really anything else going on in the photo.
Original photo taken by myself.

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