Sunday, October 27, 2013


This photo uses unusual framing because it frames the people in the window. That frame helps to focus on the main subject of the photo, wich are the people.

This photo represents unusual framing because it frames the child's face in between the bars. The frame in this photo focuses on only the child's face.

I have not used unusual framing in my past photography, but I plan. I really like unusual framing because it frames things with other unexpected things. I also like unusual framing because it makes the photo alot more interesting, and focuses on one thing.



This photo represents eye flow because when you look at it your eyes flow down the river and across the photo. This picture also shows eye flow by the color scheme.

This photo represents eye flow because your eyes follow the train tracks throughout the photo. The road also has eye flow by the way if follows the train tracks.

I have not used eye flow in my photography as much as other elements of composition, but I plan to in the future. I want to use more eye flow in my photography because, I feel as if it makes the photo more interesting, and its easier to see whats going on in the photo also.


Thursday, October 24, 2013


This photo shows repetition of patterns because it repeats the shape of the object. This photo also repeats in some of the colors, such as blue, green, and orange.

This photo represents repetition of patterns because the colors repeat themselves, where the sun hits it is a golden brown color on the sand, and where the sun doesn't hit, it is more grey. The patterns in the sand also repeats itself to show repetition of patterns.

I haven't done much work with repetition of patterns in any of my photography, but I plan to because it makes the photo so much more interesting to look at depending on what it is, that is repeating.



This image represents the unique angles element of composition because most photos are taken from a front view, and a photo like this would usually be taken in landscape view. The bottom view makes the buildings look so much larger than they really are.

This photo represents unique angles well, because It is taken from the top view instead of the front. In this photo you focus more on what's actually going on in the picture instead of focusing more on details like the dress, or the faces of the people.

I haven't done much photography for unique angles yet, but I plan on it because I think it makes the photo more interesting, depending on what the photograph is of. I really want to experiment more with unique angles because It gives the photo a more real life look. It makes you feel like you are really there, or it makes you want to be there.
